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Non-Profit Executive Lunch Series

Welcome: Register here for the Nonprofit Executive Lunch Series

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Did you know you can help maximize your donors’ giving for those who want to give appreciated stock? What if your donors could leverage that gift to give you 2-3x more than the stock is worth AND get a significant tax deduction?

Join us for an hour of learning and professional development as we highlight a client case incorporating a charitable lead annuity trust (CLAT) strategy and discussing legislative proposals being set forth that will significantly impact donors’ giving.

Date: June 3rd

Time: 12-1pm 

Presenters: Kyle Malmstrom & Rick Dahlseid

By the end of the presentation, you will:

  • Better understand the CLAT strategy
  • Identify key qualifications that would indicate if this strategy might be right for some of your donors
  • Recognize how this strategy creates a sustainable, multi-year donation stream for your organization
  • Understand the proposals being put forth by the administration
  • Identify how Centura can partner with your team to move CLAT and other gifts forward

This by-invitation-only workshop is designed for the following professionals:

  • CEO/CFO/Executive Director
  • Major Gifts Fundraiser
  • Chief Development Officer
  • Planned Giving Officer
  • Board President
  • Chair of Budget/Finance/Investment Committee


Kyle Malmstrom

Kyle’s North Star is to continually deliver the best wealth management solutions to the firm’s clients at the highest standards of ethics and excellence. Since the early 2000s, Kyle has been placing clients first and serving as a steward and fiduciary to high net worth families and individuals. 

Rick Dahlseid, MST, CPA

A Certified Public Accountant with a Master’s Degree in Taxation, Rick is a financial expert by trade. His lead-servant perspective and warm personality give him an advantage in perfecting corporate vision and ensuring organizational efficiencies.

For questions, please contact
Dana Levin,
Client Relationship Manager
Philanthropic Strategies

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