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Q2 2024 Market Wrap: Dependency Issues Thumbnail

Q2 2024 Market Wrap: Dependency Issues

After rising more than 10% in the first quarter of 2024, the S&P 500 stumbled out of the gate in the second quarter. The index contracted more than 4% in April and produced the first negative month of the year as the market reassessed the timing of the Fed’s first rate cut.

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NIMCRUTs: Sophisticated Charitable Giving Strategies for High-Net-Worth Individuals  Thumbnail

NIMCRUTs: Sophisticated Charitable Giving Strategies for High-Net-Worth Individuals

NIMCRUTs, or Net Income with Makeup Charitable Remainder Unitrusts, are advanced charitable giving strategies designed specifically for high-net-worth individuals. These trusts allow donors to make significant charitable contributions while also providing a stream of income for themselves or their beneficiaries. NIMCRUTs offer a number of benefits, including tax advantages, potential for increased income, and the ability to support favorite causes while also meeting financial goals.

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Top Mistakes Wealthy Families Make in Estate Planning Thumbnail

Top Mistakes Wealthy Families Make in Estate Planning

Preserving and transferring wealth across generations is a significant concern for affluent families. The desire to pass down as much of one's hard-earned assets as possible while minimizing tax burdens is a universal goal. Achieving this goal, however, requires strategic guidance, expert knowledge, and a comprehensive overview of all assets and goals.

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Market Wrap:  Anyone For a Game of Tug-of-War? Thumbnail

Market Wrap: Anyone For a Game of Tug-of-War?

For the past several quarters, the market has seemingly ignored communications from the Fed, particularly the point that interest rates will continue to rise and remain elevated for as long as it takes to restore inflation to their 2% target. This trend persisted up until August in the aftermath of Chairman Powell's Jackson Hole speech and the subsequent September Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting.

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