We help professional advisors enhance their client’s wealth.

Our core focus is helping families but we recognize many professional advisors (accountants, trust officers, planned giving professionals, private fiduciaries, attorneys, trustees, financial advisors, family office officers, and financial planners) don’t have the cross functional expertise, ensemble support or bandwidth to explore and implement complex strategies and solutions for their wealthier clients.


  • We are known for employing creative wealth enhancement strategies for ultra-high-net-worth families.
  • We help liberate families’ wealth by unhinging it from solution providers, contracts, and policy limitations.
  • We identify big and small opportunities to lower tax obligations, lessen financial expenses and organize wealth.
  • We identify opportunities to better protect their wealth from loss and leakage.
  • We help bring your client and their team to the table working as a cohesive unit to improve wealth outcomes.
  • We adhere to an investment philosophy that focuses on getting the best absolute return for their time horizon.


  • We unpack their family values and dreams.
  • We help their family get purpose clarity then define it, implement it, and track it.
  • We help make their family’s purpose the impetus of their wealth.
  • We significantly lessen the burdens of their wealth.

Here’s what working with us looks like.


With a commitment-free engagement with you and your client…

  • We review needs, dreams, challenges, and wealth circumstances you’ve identified with a client.
  • We collaborate and identify big and small opportunities to enhance their wealth.
  • We draft a wealth enhancement proposal with clear wealth outcomes and present you (first), and the client.

With your approval…

  • We coordinate with you and other trusted advisors.
  • We collaborate with leading tax, legal and risk management professionals.
  • We research creative solutions.
  • We create implementation plans to enhance your client’s wealth.
  • We decide who implements the strategy; a wealth enhancement strategy to help your client achieve better wealth outcomes.

Here are several white-papers we recommend for professional advisors we are working with:


Doing Good By Doing Well

Why Business Owners Should Embrace the Grantor CLAT


How To Fulfill Lasting Purpose

With Family Wealth


Tax Harvesting

Without A Comprehensive Strategy,
Your Crop Yield Will Suffer