Wealth can come to someone in many ways. Some people are born with money and some earn it over a lifetime.
Then there are those who inherit their wealth by the passing of a family member or selling of a business. If you haven’t managed large amounts of wealth before, however, understanding the complexity of inherited wealth is an enormous task.
There are psychological and logistic reasons for the overwhelming feeling of inheriting wealth. Even though it is an increasingly common event, this is a topic that is rarely talked about.
So, let’s get the conversation started about the complexity of inherited wealth.
There are new responsibilities that come with inheriting wealth. The list is never-ending. This is why financial planning is a pillar of Centura Wealth and is highly recommended to those who suddenly inherit large sums of money.
Some key elements of financial planning include:
Excessive Fees from other professionals
Tactical Gaps (like planning for the future)
Hidden Risks and Costs
Erosion (gradual redirection of funds)
When individuals inherit large sums of money, often, their morals are put to the test. This is completely normal. Perhaps before inheriting money, you had a vision of what you might do with this extra wealth. For example, donating a large percentage. But now, you might feel differently.
Wealthy families carry wealth burdens. Some aspects that come with this burden include:
Generational Degradation
Relationship Dynamics
Centura Wealth Advisory believes there is a balance in liberating your wealth, and our clients can testament to that. We’ve worked with many families whose net worth exceeds $10M, who have complex financial lives, circumstances, and strategies.
These are some of the expressions Centura Wealth has heard our clients say:
“We don’t want our wealth to ruin our kids’ lives,”
“We want our wealth to foster happiness and purpose,”
“We realize we have a great responsibility to serve our family, and our community,”
“We want our wealth to improve the lives of people who are less fortunate.”
What’s Next?
Talk to a wealth advisor for further steps after inheriting wealth. The list of key elements that contribute to financial planning is long. Just a few to consider depending on your financial situation are retirement plans, long-term financial goals, and investment.
“We believe everyone has a purpose in life, and ours is to help wealthy individuals and families achieve their purpose through a proactive and comprehensive wealth management process called Liberated Wealth®.”
Centura Wealth does not make any representations as to the accuracy, timeliness, suitability or completeness of any information prepared by any unaffiliated third party, whether linked to or incorporated herein. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes and all users thereof should be guided accordingly.
We are neither your attorneys nor your accountants and no portion of this material should be interpreted by you as legal, accounting, or tax advice. We recommend that you seek the advice of a qualified attorney and accountant.
For additional information about Centura, please request our disclosure brochure as set forth on Form ADV using the contact information set forth herein, or refer to the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website (www.adviserinfo.sec.gov). Please read the disclosure statement carefully before you engage our firm for advisory services.
https://centurawealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/iStock-1285465265.jpg12992309Magdi Cookhttps://centurawealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Centura-Logo-Grey.pngMagdi Cook2021-08-09 18:03:002024-08-27 18:05:08The Complexity of Inherited Wealth
With any administration change, you are bound to see changes that affect your business or financial plan, we call it Legislative Risk.
With change comes opportunity. And with risk we see potential.
The Past
In 2019, Centura Wealth wrote a blog, “What Proposed Legislation Could Do to Your Wealth Transfer Plans.” This is a perfect example of legislation that would directly impact your financial planning. The data that came from the legislative acts serve as a reminder that legislative changes can have huge financial planning implications as increased tax burdens are never welcome.
We can learn from history. In 2019 the legislative changes caused Roth conversions to become increasingly valuable as does charitable giving; pairing the two together in the right way can liberate wealth transfer, decrease taxes and fulfill philanthropic goals for your estate.
A current example is the SECURE act (technically “Secure Act 2.0), which could affect your retirement. This bill is an updated version of the original one in 2019. According to Forbes the Secure Act 2.0 could, “Increase minimum wage distribution and raise the catch-up contribution limits.” These are just a couple of changes mentioned that would change retirement and wealth planning.
What is Legislative Risk?
As explained above, the legislative risk is the potential for financial wealth drain because of changes in the law. There are also more specific examples of legislative risks surrounding the workplace. This can be anything from changes in employee benefits or free trade agreements.
Legislative risk can also be phrased as political risk. The goal of legislative risk is that the government should be able to intervene if the industry is failing. However, that is just the goal. There is a continued risk that the government does too much to balance the market, and overly gets involved.
Here’s a few examples of what risks could happen during the shift to a hard market:
Trade policy
Tax regulations
Healthcare changes
Local product safety and environment laws
Local labor laws
Currency regulations
Political instability
Legal and regulatory constraints
Framework, Framework, Framework
Risk Management as a whole is a lot to tackle. So implementing legislative risk into that plan is key. It’s important to remember that frameworks can be simple and effective.
At Centura Wealth Advisory, we invest in our client’s future financial stability. Contact one of our advisors today to see how you can get started liberating your wealth!
How to Prepare
Again, the market is unpredictable, but there are steps you can take to prepare for the worst-case scenario with financial planning. At Centura Wealth, we go beyond the traditional standards for a wealth management plan.
This means to plan for legislative risk, you should consider a couple of options:
Monitor your liberated wealth plan
Analyze future legal risks
Communicate with trusted professionals
Commit to an organization tactic and framework
At Centura Wealth Advisory, we invest in our client’s future financial stability. Contact one of our advisors today to see how you can get started liberating your wealth!
Centura Wealth does not make any representations as to the accuracy, timeliness, suitability or completeness of any information prepared by any unaffiliated third party, whether linked to or incorporated herein. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes and all users thereof should be guided accordingly.
We are neither your attorneys nor your accountants and no portion of this material should be interpreted by you as legal, accounting or tax advice. We recommend that you seek the advice of a qualified attorney and accountant.
For additional information about Centura, please request our disclosure brochure as set forth on Form ADV using the contact information set forth herein, or refer to the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website (www.adviserinfo.sec.gov). Please read the disclosure statement carefully before you engage our firm for advisory services.
https://centurawealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/iStock-1126265493.jpg14102125Magdi Cookhttps://centurawealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Centura-Logo-Grey.pngMagdi Cook2021-07-10 18:14:002024-08-27 18:15:42Legislative Risk: What do you need to do to prepare?
Capital Market projections (mean & variance) serve as parameters for Monte Carlo simulation
The Monte Carlo Method is used by Centura for Liberated Wealth planning in order to solve complex problems when other methods fail
Relying on historical data for Monte Carlo simulation may produce misleading results with potentially harmful ramifications (e.g., spending too much, retiring too soon, etc.)
Forward looking capital market projections incorporate structural market changes that are present today and/or are expected to continue in the future
Careful consideration of inputs and related assumptions is paramount when crafting long term financial plans and forecasting portfolio returns & risk; garbage in, garbage out
Sophisticated projections are critical to crafting a well-designed financial plan and capital market projections are one of many key inputs that play a vital role in doing that. At Centura Wealth Advisory, we pair forward looking capital market projections with the Monte Carlo Method to estimate:
Probability of a client running out of money before their “end of plan” (i.e., death)
Most likely “end of plan” value (e.g., wealth transfer, charitable giving purposes)
Optimal asset allocation strategy for a given plan
Part 1 of this series introduced capital markets, historical returns and forward-looking return/risk projections. In Part 2, we explore the Monte Carlo Method and evaluate the potential pitfalls of using historical results vs. forward looking projections when conducting experiments/simulations. Part 3 of the series will focus on portfolio construction and strategic asset allocation using mean variance analysis. Readers can take our quick assessment survey provided at the end of this blog or found here.
Monte Carlo Method
The Monte Carlo Method is a risk management tool that allows financial professionals to model and predict the future with varying levels of confidence. This tool is particularly valuable when it comes to retirement planning, which tasks advisors with forecasting a wide range of variables including, but not limited to:
Asset returns
Future income from all sources
Asset distributions (withdrawal rate) to support future income shortfalls
Taxes (based on current law and potential for sunset provision)
Varying inflation rates for different types of expenses (e.g., general vs healthcare)
Other volatile, subjective and potentially unknown factors as well
Problems of this nature are too complicated to solve with one formula, so we must employ an alternate approach.
Enter, the Monte Carlo Method. This method uses scenario modeling to predict a range of future possibilities, all with varying levels of probability (or likeliness to occur). At the upper end of the range are the very best scenarios (90th percentile), and at the lower end of the range lie the worst (10th percentile). At the midpoint of this range (50th percentile) lies the median which represents the most likely end of plan value (best estimate). If all scenarios end in assets at the end of plan above $1, the simulation is considered a success. If assets are exhausted prior to end of plan, it is a failure. The percentage of successful simulations represents the plan’s overall probability of success.
Monte Carlo Experiment: Hypothetical example
To illustrate how the Monte Carlo Method works, we will run a simple Monte Carlo simulation on a $1,000,000 portfolio invested as follows:
We will first conduct this simulation using historical returns & risk (Chart/Table 1) and then we will re-run the simulation using forward looking return & risk estimates (Chart/Table 2). Last, we will compare the results (Table 3) and highlight any key insights garnered.
Monte Carlo Experiment: Historical Returns
In Chart 1– Simulated Portfolio Using Historic Returns, we show a $1,000,000 portfolio simulation run 10,000 times based on historical asset class returns & risk. The different color lines indicate different percentiles of returns and summary statistics for each percentile can be found in Table 1.
In Chart 2– Simulated Returns Using Capital Markets Projections, we show a $1,000,000 portfolio simulation run 10,000 times based on forward looking asset class returns & risk. The different color lines indicate different percentiles of returns and summary statistics for each percentile can be found in Table 2.
Monte Carlo Experiment: Comparing Results
To analyze simulations using historical vs forward looking projections we will select the 10th percentile (worst) returns and 90th percentile (best) returns to compare the nominal and inflation adjusted ending portfolio values as well as maximum drawdown and the safe withdrawal rate; see Table 3 – Comparative Results of Simulated Historic versus Projected.
Comparing statistics in Table 3 reveals some key insights:
Using historical returns may significantly overstate future portfolio values
The portfolio’s safe withdrawal rate(s) may be overstated when using historical #’s
Tail risk (max drawdown) is approximately equal, confirming that forward looking risk is commensurate with historical levels if not slightly higher (i.e., lower expected risk adjusted returns; see Part 1 of Capital Markets Blog)
These insights highlight some of the primary reasons why forward-looking capital market projections are preferred to historical numbers when modeling the risk that someone may run out of money before their “end of plan” (i.e., death). But why do they diverge? One of the primary reasons forward looking estimates diverge from historical results are due to what are known as “structural changes” or shifts.
Structural shifts are changes in the overall landscape of a market/economy, and if not handled properly, skew data. For example, a future riddled with tariffs and global tension is much different than the coordinated global easing (QE) that took place in the wake of the Great Recession. Similarly, the high interest rate environment of the 1980’s is materially different than the low interest rate environment of today, and not accounting for such structural components can produce misleading results; as evidenced above. Thus, investors and advisors must be careful when crafting plans and modeling long term risk.
Monte Carlo simulation is a complex, but effective risk management tool used by Centura that pairs asset forecasting with cash-flow modeling, over a long period of time and allows investors to evaluate the impact of different decisions on their long-term financial wellness.
Monte Carlo simulation usefulness is predicated upon the accuracy of input data whereby capital market return and risk forecasts represent the input parameters. You can determine the status of your current Retirement Plan analysis by taking our quick survey here.
In Part 3 of this series, we explore how these same capital market projections are used to construct portfolios and form strategic long-term asset allocation plans using mean variance analysis and optimization.
Centura Wealth Advisory (“Centura”) is an SEC registered investment adviser located in San Diego, California. This brochure is limited to the dissemination of general information pertaining to Centura’s investment advisory services. The statistical projections contained herein are provided only as an example to illustrate how the choice of methodology impacts those projections. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and may have been impacted by market events and economic conditions that will not prevail in the future. Investing involves risk, including risk of loss.
Centura Wealth does not make any representations as to the accuracy, timeliness, suitability or completeness of any information prepared by any unaffiliated third party, whether linked to or incorporated herein. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes and all users thereof should be guided accordingly.
For additional information about Centura, please request our disclosure brochure as set forth on Form ADV using the contact information set forth herein, or refer to the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure web site (www.adviserinfo.sec.gov). Please read the disclosure statement carefully before you engage our firm for advisory services.
https://centurawealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/simulation-small.png32364821Christian Duranhttps://centurawealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Centura-Logo-Grey.pngChristian Duran2019-05-31 16:35:002024-08-20 16:45:11Capital Market Projections & Monte Carlo – Part 2 in series